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最美的英语诗歌:The Pride of Youth 青春的骄傲

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  诗歌是很多人的必备,因为它陶冶人的心情。以下是小编给大家整理的邂逅世间最美的英语诗歌——The Pride of Youth 青春的骄傲。希望可以帮到大家

  The Pride of Youth


  Walter Scott

  瓦尔特 司各特

  Proud Maisie is in the wood, Walking so early ;

  骄傲的梅西漫步林间, 踩着晨曦;

  Sweet Robin sits on the bush, Singing so rarely.

  伶俐的知更鸟栖息树丛, 唱得甜蜜。

  "Tell me, thou bonny bird, when shall I marry me?"

  “告诉我,美丽的鸟儿, 我哪年哪月穿嫁衣?”

  "When six braw gentlemen Kirkward shall carry ye."

  “等到六个殡葬人 抬你上教堂。”

  "Who makes the bridal bed, Birdie, say truly?"

  “谁为我铺新床? 好鸟儿,莫撒谎。

  "The gray-headed sexton That delves the grave duly. "

  “白发司事,兼挖墓穴, 误不了你的洞房。”

  "The glowworm o'er grave and stone Shall light thee steady;

  ”萤火虫幽幽闪闪, 把你的坟墓照亮,

  The owl from the steeple sing, Welcome, proud lady."

  猫头鹰将在塔尖高唱: 欢迎你,骄傲的姑娘。”



上一篇:最美的英语诗歌:Sadness of August 八月的忧伤

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