雅思口语:art and culture“弄潮儿”养成记
The world famous sculptures
1. The Thinker, 思想者(作者:Auguste Rodin)
2. The Great Sphinx , 狮身人面像(作者:Unclear)
3. Davi, 大卫(作者:Michelangelo)
4. Venus de Milo, 维纳斯像 (作者:Alexandros of Antioch)
5. The Discobolus,掷铁饼者(作者:Myron)
6. Statue of Liberty, 自由女神像 (作者:Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi)
7. Manneken Pis, 尿尿小孩 (作者:Jerôme Duquesnoy)
8. Hermes and the Infant Dionysus, 赫耳墨斯和小酒神 (作者:Praxiteles)
1. Our cities are full of majestic monuments, stunning sculptures and artistic statues, each having a story to tell.
2. Today, the world-famous sculptures are shared by all the people as the world cultural heritage, which has raised the serious topic about cultural inheritance and protection in the modern society.
3. The art work is the tie ofthe civilization, the witness of the history and the carrier of the culture.
4. The artworks exhibited in the museum are the evidence of the history, which are precious and nonrenewable cultural heritage.
The world famous paintings
世界名画之一:蒙娜丽莎,Mona Lisa (By Leonardo da Vinci)
世界名画之二:最后的晚餐,The Last Supper (By Leonardo da Vinci)
世界名画之三:西斯廷圣母,The Sistine Madonna (By Raphael Sanzio)
世界名画之四:创造亚当, The Creation of Adam (By Michelangelo)
世界名画之五:泉,The source(By Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres)
世界名画之六:日出印象, Impression, Sunrise (By Claude Monet)
世界名画之七:无名女郎,Portrait of an Unknown Woman (By Ivan Kramskoi)
世界名画之八:入睡的维纳斯, Sleeping Venus (By Giorgione)
世界名画之九:向日葵, Common sunflower (By Vincent van Gogh)
世界名画之十:维农的少女, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (By Pablo Picasso)
1. The art globalization strengthens the identification of the national culture, which also helps cultivate an open perspective towards the culture and diversity.
2. All of the great paintings are the cultural heritage which are the witness of the history, the carrier of the human civilization. They play an irreplaceable role in reflecting the trajectory of the human social development.
3. The artistic and ideological value embedded in the extraordinary paintings have the significant impact on the global art, especially the direction of the traditional painting appreciation.
Chinese unique artworks
Chinese paper-cutting 剪纸
embroidery 刺绣
Chinese knot 中国结
clay figurine 泥人
seal carving 篆刻
wood carving 木雕
paper lantern 灯笼
blue calico 蓝印花布
oil-paper umbrella 油纸伞
origami 折纸手工
1. The classic Chinese art satisfactorily demonstrates the successive and advanced culture, successfully embodies the outstanding essence of Chinese culture. 中国传统艺术是杰出先进文化的代表,成功体现了中华文化的优秀精华。
2. Chinese handicrafts have uniquely demonstrated the charm of the oriental art. 中国的手工艺品有独特的东方艺术魅力
3. Chinese embroidery is an essential cultural heritage of Chinese culture, which has a very important status for Chinese History of Art and Crafts
4. Chinese embroidery has carried forward and integrated the national spirit and national aesthetic consciousness that have been passed along generations, with the essential elements and symbols from traditional images.
5. It is the treasure of Chinese traditional culture, which has been world-widely famous for its complexity, refinement, extensiveness and profoundness. 文化的瑰宝, 素以复杂精妙,博大精深闻名于世
6. Along with the globalization, non-material cultural heritage has become increasingly important in building the national soft strength.
7. Modern ceramic art is a special art form, by which the artists use the ceramic material to express the aesthetic concepts of modern society and the sentiments among people, nature and society.
8. Brush painting and calligraphy are ancient Chinese arts; they are treasures of Chinese civilization of thousands of years.
The rare artworks in china
Hangzhou embroidery 杭绣
filigree 花丝镶嵌
glassware 料器
Kingfisher Craft 点翠工艺
Tenon-and-mortise work 榫卯
1. Nowadays, our traditional culture, like all other non-material culture legacy, is on the verge of extinction, which needs the urgent protection.
今天的传统文化,已经和其他所有非物质文化遗产一样, 频临灭绝, 急需保护。
2. The spreading of Intangible Cultural Heritage is dynamic and alive, which depends on people who pass along generations through oral instruction and rote memory. That is called the spirit of craftsman. 非物质文化遗产的传播是一种动态的,活态的传播,主要以人为载体,以口传心授的方式进行代际传承,这就是所谓的工匠精神
3. The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.
In short, respecting the independence and development of different cultures and strengthening cultural interflows and cooperation is essential to upholding cultural diversity in the world.
The related questions about jewelry
What kind of jewelry do you like to buy?
What do you know about jewelry?
What’s your attitude toward jewelry?
How often do you wear jewelry?
Why do people like to wear jewelry?
Why do many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?
Jewelry is no longer exclusively beloved by ladies. The males’ life style and taste could also be reflected through the ornaments they wear. This is one of the unique demonstrations of their life style and quality they are pursuing.
In ancient China, it used to be the symbol of social status and power when the men wore the gem. But in contemporary world, no matter for males or females, wearing jewelry is no longer for the purpose of demonstrating the power and social status, it is more functionally as the decoration for the individual to show his or her unique taste and style. Sometimes, jewelry also has practical function, for example, jade has been claimed to be good for the health.
1. Jewelry is the non-renewable recourse that is the precious wealth left to mankind by the nature.
2. Natural gemstone is the emblem of wealth and status,which has the predictable or ever-increasing value. The royal families and the aristocratare proud of the rare jewels they own all over the world. The “family heirloom” is the important part of family wealth. This is just due to the rarity of some natural gemstone.
3. Historically, Jewelry has beenendued by mankind with some unique symbols and features, which has lured people to pursue them. For instance, diamond represents perseverance and long-lasting, which has been symbolized for the perpetual love. While jade has been articulated to be able to function for health care.
4. Jewelry is a kind of decoration that has profound cultural connotation. Varied types of jewelry is actually appreciated and longed by different people in diverse cultures . In Europe, people are partial to emulation jewelry, while Chinese people like the gold jewelry. Westerners love emeralds , but Japanese people prefer the golden pearls. In general, Westerners love the style that is more expressive, while Easterners prefer more conservative, symmetrical design.
5. Gem is a commodity for appreciation first. The motivation of purchasing is usually derived from the aesthetic and artistic value, such as the beautiful colorand style, the superior material, the sophisticated design and processing. The value of the jewelry is also reflected as an exquisite artifact designed and produced by people who endorse each piece of the artworks with the creativity, uniqueness and cultural heritage of the times.
6. The precious jewelry highlights characteristics of distinguishing to create classic and unfold the elegant self-confidence. Each jewel is the one and the only primitive artifact. The warmth of dignity does not lose its aura.
宝石:gem stone
无色水晶:rock crystal
烟晶:smoky quartz
发夹:hair clip